Hip Openers and Arm Balance


Ginger Castillo & Tomer Raich

Saturday 15.12


We may feel that if we let go is a sign of weakness. Hip openers teach us that actually letting go help us to see things from above, without grasping at things we become light then we can learn how to fly.
The sequence creates space in the hips, pelvis, and lumbar spine while simultaneously building strength in the arms, chest, upper back, and core muscles.
we will begin with more gentle hip-openers and progresses into more complex hip openers combined with arm balances. We will learn that letting go can make us stronger.

The workshop is a part of a 3 set workshops base on the teaching of Balu Thevar from Goa. We recommend coming to all 3 workshops.

13.10 Back Bending | 10.11 Handstands 15.12 hip openers

Early bird – 100 NIS

Day of the workshop – 150NIS

All 3 workshops – 240 NIS