Mysore style is the traditional way to practice Ashtanga and was originated by Pattabhi Jois who’s yoga shala was located in the city of Mysore in the south of India, hence the name Mysore style. The way the class is being taught and lead is based on how yoga used to be taught in the past, one-on-one, students vis-a-vis teacher yet this is being held simultaneously with a few students. The student learns and advances at their own pace whilst having the constant assistance and teaching of the teacher. The pace is adjusted to the individual student and is set to answer their specific needs, emphasizes and adjustments.
The Mysore style class is suitable for students of all ages and levels, from beginners who never practice yoga before all the way to practitioners who practice the advanced series. The teacher works with each student individually through the set of the series and each student receives the specific support needed.
Even though the Mysore style practice requires more patience and some what more responsibility from the student, the involvement in the process deepens the exposure, evolution and understanding of various elements within the practice. The student is more tuned to their own inner quiet or noise and can work with the main elements of the Ashtanga yoga practice (breath, vinyasa & drishti) in a much more precise way.
The class is being held in a different way than other classes, the studio is open every morning for a number of hours (usually 3 hours) and the student can come and leave whenever they want within this time set. The length of the practice is completely depended on the student and can be between anywhere between half and hour to over 2 hours, all depends on the student, how they feel and what type of practice they wish to have this specific day.