The Ashtanga practice method is characterized by its dynamic style that allows the creation of internal heat, sweating and cleansing of toxins. Ashtanga is built on a series of fixed position based on ancient yoga tradition revived by Sri Patthabi Jois. The Key elements in the Ashtanga practice are breathing, coordination between breath and movement, concentration and routing of energy in the body. All these create a better blood flow, a lighter and stronger body and a peaceful mind.
In the Ashtanga discipline there are six series of postures. The first two are the main series through which you can evolve, work and grow your practice. The Ashtanga primary series, called Yoga Chikitsa, is intended to heal, strengthen and cleanse the body. This is the main series through which one can grow for many years and explore with it physical and mental processes in a deep level. The second series of Ashtanga , called Nadi Shodhana , aims to enable better energy routing in energy channels and is based more on backbends. The 3-6 series are the most advanced series and are based on acrobatic asana that require a high degree of openness and strength.
Ashtanga Yoga is traditionally taught in two ways, Self Practice – Mysore style and guided class. The traditional guided lesson as taught by Patthabi Jois were taught by counting breaths in Sanskrit only and are intended primarily for practitioners of self practice. In our Ashtanga guided classes here at Yoga Levontin, we offer additional highlights to allow deeper understanding of various asanas and specific elements within the practice.
The word Ashtanga means – eight limbs , which represent the eight steps in which we learn to quiet the mind, through the strengthening and cleansing of the physiological and energetic body and reaching enlightenment. The eight steps are morality, self-reference, physical training – poses, breathing training, routing senses, concentration, meditation and freedom.