A schoolgirl and yoga teacher, a veteran Vipassana practitioner. A graduate student in Sanskrit and Indian philosophy at Tel Aviv University. Practicing yoga, combined with Somatic experimenting, to cope with mental trauma and chronic pain situations.

I came to yoga at an early age, long before I understood the breadth and depth of this ancient tradition. From the very beginning, I experienced the moving and transformative power of physical yoga practice, the tremendous challenge of connecting to the body, and the gentle wisdom of the soul that opens out of it. After a few years of practice, a copy of the Yoga Sutra came into my possession, and from there a journey began that led me to dedicate my life to studying ancient Indian traditions at the level of practice, philosophy and therapy.

I studied and studied with many teachers in India and the West, in a variety of traditions – Slow, Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Iyengar – all of which find their way into my daily practice.

My teaching always reflects my current exploration of self-practice and every lesson is for me a living laboratory of spirit and material in which I am fascinated every time by the magic of the group interrogation.

She believes in heart-warming Yoga, a powerful exercise that empowers the body and the mind.

I love to challenge my students with a strong practice based on creative sequences, challenging poses and variable rhythms that combine flow and long stay in positions.